
Avg weather in April
    4 Hrsper day
    69 mmper month
    94 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Lapland weather April

    Lapland weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Lapland in April?

    Lapland isn’t just for Christmas and April is a great time to visit for longer days and slightly warmer temperatures. Lapland weather in April is very sunny and you’ll have plenty of daylight time to explore the snowy regions and sightsee.

    Geographical influences

    Located in the north of Finland, Lapland is a dream holiday destination for people all over the world. It’s not just for families with young kids either as more and more couples are also enjoying the romantic setting for themselves. The region has a vast subarctic wilderness and the snow still remains throughout spring. It’s not as cold as previous months though, which is why it’s often preferred for its slightly milder climate.


    Spring arrives in April, bringing slightly warmer weather and more sunshine to northern Finland. The average temperature is 2°C with highs of 4°C. Temperatures often drop to lows of -2°C, so packing thick layers and protective clothing is advised at this time of year. Snowfall is still on the ground and on the higher peaks, but it begins to melt towards the end of the month. Winds are around 7mph and the humidity is high at 96%. You’ll have 15 hours of sunlight per day with a monthly rainfall of 34mm.

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