Weather in Sardinia

 Weather in Sardinia

Are you excited to jet over to Sardinia? If so, you should know that our Sardinia weather forecast is bang up to date and gives you all the information you need on sunshine hours, temperature, and possible showers. It’ll give you all the data you need to pack for a holiday of a lifetime. If you're staying in July, you’re in for a treat because it’s the sunniest time of the year to visit. You can look forward to soaring highs of 29°C with clear skies and little chance of rain. Whether you're planning on a day of rest and relaxation on the beach, or hiking through the stunning mountains, our Sardinia weather forecast will help you plan ahead. If you haven't made your travel plans yet, take a look at our Sardinia weather forecast, especially our monthly weather summary. This is the easiest resource to use if you need help deciding on the best time of year to visit.

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Saturday, 27th JulySunny
High 34Low 19
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 1 Mph
  • Humidity: 21 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Sunday, 28th JulySunny
High 35Low 19
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 2 Mph
  • Humidity: 18 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Monday, 29th JulySunny
High 37Low 20
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 5 Mph
  • Humidity: 13 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Tuesday, 30th JulySunny
High 37Low 20
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 4 Mph
  • Humidity: 15 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Wednesday, 31st JulySunny
High 37Low 21
  • Sun: 9 Hours daily
  • Wind: 6 Mph
  • Humidity: 19 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Thursday, 1st AugustSunny
High 36Low 21
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 10 Mph
  • Humidity: 13 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Friday, 2nd AugustSunny
High 34Low 18
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 11 Mph
  • Humidity: 24 %
  • Rain: 0 mm

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