Indian Ocean

Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    144 mmper month
    73 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Indian Ocean

    Indian Ocean weather March

    Indian Ocean weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in the Indian Ocean in March?

    Indian Ocean weather in March is great with temperatures reaching the low-thirties at peak times of the day. The ocean is very mild at this time of year, which makes it perfect for swimming and taking part in exciting water sports such as windsurfing, scuba diving and snorkelling.

    Geographical influences

    The Indian Ocean is made up of tropical islands that include the Maldives, Mauritius and the Seychelles. Each one has its own style and you can easily hop from island to island with a short sailing trip across the sea. The weather is traditionally tropical, which means there’s plenty of warm sunshine lasting throughout the year. The islands are usually very quiet in the spring, which is great for a more relaxing trip abroad.


    During the day, temperatures reach highs of 31°C before lowering to around 27°C in the evening. The Indian Ocean is warm enough to swim in with water temperatures of 29°C. There are 12 hours of sunlight per day with humidity levels rarely rising above 75%. Winds travel at 9mph near the coast and the average rainfall is 7mm.

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    • Maldives card image


      Mar Avg
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    • Mauritius card image


      Mar Avg
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    • Seychelles card image


      Mar Avg
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      Mar Avg
      34 °