
Avg weather in February
    9 Hrsper day
    132 mmper month
    72 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Rovinj weather February

    Rovinj weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Rovinj in February?

    Along with January, the Rovinj weather in February is the coldest all year here in north Croatia. Temperatures can be mild though and rise to nearly double figures on the best days. There’s less rain than in autumn and the sun still shines most days.

    Geographical influences

    Rovinj enjoys a pretty location on the west side of Croatia’s Istrian peninsular. It’s by the Adriatic Sea and has an historic harbour and fishing port. Winter temperatures here in the north are slightly cooler and wetter compared to resorts in the south, like Brac Island. The sea’s the coldest all year at just 10°C and this stops inland temperatures from rising.


    You’ll need to bring a sweater and light jacket if you visit this month, but showers can be light and pass quickly. The weather in Rovinj in February has an average of 50mm of rainfall. The mild winter temperatures and sunshine help to dry any water. The average daytime temperature is 9°C, with occasional chillier days only around the 6°C to 7°C mark. You can still expect an average of six hours of sunshine each day this month, from ten hours of daylight, which is great for winter in Europe. The wind speed’s only 11mph on average, making walks along the coast, streets and parks around north Croatia quite pleasant in February.

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