
Avg weather in October
    11 Hrsper day
    152 mmper month
    71 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Tobago weather October

    Tobago weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Tobago in October?

    The Tobago weather in October is typical of the Caribbean region. You can expect lots of sunshine and very warm temperatures, but it’ll be quite humid and with frequent tropical showers. The rain won’t spoil what will be a memorable holiday to this beautiful little island.

    Geographical influences

    Tobago, and the nearby larger island of Trinidad, is the most southerly nation in the Caribbean. It’s outside of the hurricane belt, but between June and December, it’s the wet season. Often the showers can be quite cooling, just like the north-east winds across Tobago.


    If you’re looking for hot temperatures to sunbathe or explore the island, the weather in Tobago in October won’t disappoint. The average high’s around 31°C, dipping to 27°C when clouds are in the sky. At night, you can expect it to be 21°C and it’s ideal for evening walks along the beach. During the day, you can swim in the Caribbean Sea and cool off in the 27°C water. You’ll be reaching for your sunglasses, too. The sun shines for an average of seven hours, but be careful, because the UV index is high, like it is most of the year. The wind speeds are moderate and you’ll need a waterproof jacket with around 199mm of rainfall in October. url to come

    Best hotels in Tobago

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