Dominican Republic

Avg weather in August
    12 Hrsper day
    183 mmper month
    79 %avg
    6 Mphavg
    Dominican Republic

    Dominican Republic weather August

    Dominican Republic weather August alt image

    What's the weather like in the Dominican Republic in August?

    Sitting in the northern Caribbean, the Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Tall mountains mean you'll get more rain in the north and east because of the direction of winds. There’s a wet season on the north coast from November to January, while it is between May to November for the rest of the island. Although August’s in this period, it usually rains in short and heavy bursts and often only in the evening. You'll still have lots of sun at this time, although if it’s raining, try heading to a different part of the island.


    The average high in capital Santo Domingo is 32ºC in August so it’s perfect if you love the heat. Things stay nice and warm in the evenings making air conditioning a good idea. The sea temperature’s 29ºC, which is ideal for swimming, while humidity’s very high. There’s 179mm of rain over 15 days, although you can still expect 13 hours of daylight with eight hours of sunshine each day. UV levels will be extremely high so take lots of sun cream, and sunset’s at 7.15pm at the start of the month.

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