Cayo Coco

Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    157 mmper month
    77 %avg
    13 Mphavg
    Cayo Coco

    Cayo Coco weather July

    Cayo Coco weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cayo Coco in July?

    July is the hottest month of the year with highs reaching 33°C during the daytime. This would be unbearable if it wasn’t for the consistent winds that help control the heat. Short rain showers are a regular occurrence but are usually short-lived.

    Geographical influences

    Cayo Coco weather in July is warm and wet. The Cuban summer is in full swing, which means the island is also prone to thunderstorms and strong winds. Again, these are short lived and it won’t be long before the sun is splitting the palm trees and warming your skin with a soft sun-kissed glow.


    Cayo Coco’s average high in July is 30°C with sea temperatures falling slightly below that at around 29°C. Bask in the warmth of the Cuban sun for 13 hours per day. The humidity is quite high at 78%, with winds racing along at average speeds of 12 mph. July receives 60mm of rainfall, so you’ll need to carry a light raincoat in case you find yourself caught in a shower. Thankfully, Cayo Coco’s showers are fleeting and never seem to last for very long.

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