Cayo Coco

Avg weather in January
    11 Hrsper day
    56 mmper month
    76 %avg
    14 Mphavg
    Cayo Coco

    Cayo Coco weather January

    Cayo Coco weather January alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cayo Coco in January?

    Cayo Coco is a beautiful island situated north of Cuba’s mainland. If you visit Cayo Coco in January, you’ll land in the middle of the dry season (Dec – April) where you'll be met with clear blue skies, crystal waters and an endless supply of warm sunshine.

    Geographical Influences

    The sun beams down on Cayo Coco all year round. But if you want to skip heavy downpours during the summer months, January is the best time to visit. Unlike the wet season when temperatures are at their highest, Cayo Coco weather in January is milder and more comfortable.


    January is the coolest time of the year with highs of 27°C. Enjoy ten hours of splendid sunshine every day and take your time on the beautiful sandy bays along the coastline. When night falls, temperatures remain quite high and rarely drop below 17°C. 14 mph winds cool you down during peak times. The clear sea remains warm enough to swim in, so feel free to stay in your swimwear until lunchtime. It’s the dry season, so expect very little rain with no more than 30mm of rainfall.

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