
Avg weather in February
    7 Hrsper day
    249 mmper month
    93 %avg
    4 Mphavg

    Whistler weather February

    Whistler weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Whistler in February?

    The Whistler weather in February is cold and crisp, just like you’d expect from a world-class ski resort in winter!  The temperature will struggle to break zero but the pleasant sunshine and fresh snowfall make it one of Canada’s best-loved winter sports resorts.

    Geographical influences

    Whistler, and the neighbouring resort of Blackcomb, enjoys a picturesque setting in the Coast Mountains of British Colombia. The climate here’s not as extreme as inland resorts like Banff, which can be colder and windier. The Pacific Coast produces milder air and stops temperatures falling too low. Conditions get colder on higher ground, though.


    If you’re a skier, you’ll love the cold but crisp climate in Whistler this month. During the day the temperature will only occasionally reach highs of 1°C and drop to lows of -5°C at night. You can expect a light 5mph breeze around the mountains. You’ll see good levels of sunshine during your stay in February, as this Canadian resort produces four hours of sun each day from nine hours of daylight. UV levels are low and the humidity should measure 91%. February has over 100mm of rainfall, but much of this is wintery and there could be as much as 2m of fresh snowfall during the month. The weather in Whistler in February makes it an ideal time for a school half-term skiing break.

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