
Avg weather in February
    8 Hrsper day
    23 mmper month
    82 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Calgary weather February

    Calgary weather February alt image


    What’s the weather like in Calgary in February?

    The Calgary weather in February is only slightly warmer than January, with temperatures close to freezing for most of the month. The rain is very light though, and the sunshine is pleasant considering it’s still winter. You can expect some snowfall around this exciting Canadian city.

    Geographical influences

    Calgary is in the Alberta province in south west Canada. The region is surrounded by vast prairie grasslands, with few natural barriers stopping winds sweeping into the city. Cold winds can strike from the Rocky Mountains but warmer ‘Chinnock’ winds can also take hold. Calgary is over 1,000 metres above sea level and predicting the weather is tricky at times.


    The weather in Calgary in February produces an average daytime high temperature of 1°C. The climate can be quite varied at this time, with temperatures falling to a very cold -10°C on some extreme days. The usual mark will be around -1°C. The average rainfall for February in Calgary is just 11mm, which is very low for winter in North America. You can rely on seeing some sunshine here in February. It gets an average of six hours each day this month, with the sun in Calgary rising at 8am and setting just after 5.30pm. The humidity level will measure around 82% and the heat and UV are low during February.


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