
Avg weather in December
    9 Hrsper day
    27 mmper month
    81 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Calgary weather December

    Calgary weather December alt image


    What’s the weather like in Calgary in December?

    Along with January, December is the coldest month in this pretty Canadian city. The Calgary weather in December sees temperatures well below freezing and with a very cold wind chill. The sun will still shine though which makes it more comfortable for exploring the sights of Calgary.

    Geographical influences

    The city is surrounded by prairie grasslands which provide little natural barriers to the wind. As well as cold winds blowing in from the Rocky Mountains, winds called Chinnock can also take hold and raise the temperature unexpectedly. Calgary is over 1,000 metres above sea level and the weather can be difficult to predict at this altitude.


    The weather in Calgary in December is just what you’d expect from a city with a continental climate and mountain ranges so close. The daytime temperature will struggle to reach 1°C for most of the month, with a temperature around -3°C more common. At night this can fall to -10 or lower°C. There should still be some pleasant winter rays, with up to four hours of sunshine from eight hours of daylight. The sun rises at 8.20am and sets at 4.30pm. Rainfall is very light at just 11mm on average across six rain-affected days. You can expect the humidity level to be around 83% and the wind speed is usually low at only 8mph, picking up if seasonal winds reach Calgary.


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