Sunny Beach Resort

Avg weather in March
    9 Hrsper day
    68 mmper month
    75 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Sunny Beach Resort

    Sunny Beach Resort weather March

    Sunny Beach Resort weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Sunny Beach in March?

    The Sunny Beach weather in March is mild with just seven rain-affected days on average. Its temperatures compare very well to other mainland European resorts. The famous sunshine here along the Black Sea coast makes walks and trips around sandy beaches the nearby forests and hills great fun.

    Geographical influences

    The modern resort of Sunny  Beach, with its 5km golden beach, is much milder in March than the inland mountainous areas in western Bulgaria at this time. Even though the sea temperature is quite low, warmer air from Turkey and Greece in the south can help to keep temperatures higher in early spring.


    The weather in Sunny Beach in March is a bit of a mix. You’ll enjoy the mild daytime temperature of 12°C, but this may drop to around 7°C on chillier days. The night time temperature will be about 4°C. The sun still shines for a long time in March and you can expect six hours each day from Sunny Beach’s 12 hours of daylight. Here the sun rises at 6.45am and won’t set until 6pm at the beginning of March. Duni gets just 49mm of rainfall during an average of seven rainy days. The UV, heat and humidity levels are all low in March and the wind speed should measure 10mph.

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