Sunny Beach Resort

Avg weather in February
    8 Hrsper day
    80 mmper month
    79 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Sunny Beach Resort

    Sunny Beach Resort weather February

    Sunny Beach Resort weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Sunny Beach in February?

    The Sunny Beach weather in February is much milder than the pleasant autumn months, but you can still enjoy some sunshine at this modern resort in Bulgaria. There’s not too much rain and the wind chill is low, meaning quiet walks along the superb sandy beach are refreshing, even if you’ll need a jacket.

    Geographical influences

    Sunny Beach is found along Bulgaria’s famous Black Sea coast, towards the north east corner of the country between the lively towns of Varna and Burgas. The weather in Sunny Beach in February is influenced by the colder water temperatures at this time. The crisp winds, which can reach the resort from northern Europe, also keep temperatures down a little.


    February produces a mild climate in this region of eastern Bulgaria. The average daytime high is 9°C, but this can fall to an average low of 1°C on some colder days. In the sunshine it’ll feel more comfortable and you can expect an average of five hours a day in February from 11 hours of daylight. The rain is moderate at this time compared to other mainland European towns, with 60mm falling during seven rain-affected days. The UV and heat levels are low and if the winter sun is shining, exploring this pretty resort is very relaxing. You can expect the Black Sea to be a chilly 7°C for much of the month.

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