
Avg weather in April
    12 Hrsper day
    43 mmper month
    69 %avg
    11 Mphavg

    Altinkum weather April

    Altinkum weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Altinkum in April?

    Altinkum weather in April is very pleasant with warm temperatures lasting throughout the month and increasing even higher towards May. You’ll get to enjoy the resort’s three Blue Flag beaches, day excursions to Ephesus and water sports along the glistening coastline.

    Geographical influences

    This vibrant beach resort is located in the Bodrum region in Turkey. Its location on the south-west coast means that the resort experiences the same beautiful Mediterranean climate as the rest of the country. There are regular markets and bazaars in the town centre, where you can find tasty treats and a fantastic collection of handmade souvenirs to remind you of your time away.


    When you visit Altinkum in April, you can expect to have at least 13 hours of lovely sunshine per day. Temperatures rarely drop below 7°C at night and can reach up to 20°C during peak times of the day. Humidity levels are at 69% with average winds of 12mph to keep the humid weather at bay. There’s an average rainfall of 45mm in April. This usually falls over eight rainy days of the month, which means you might see a shower or two during your stay but it’s nothing to worry about. You can quickly do a little shopping in town as you wait for the rain shower to stop, which won’t be long since they’re usually very short.

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