
Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    52 mmper month
    66 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Portaventura weather June

    Portaventura weather June alt image

    What’s the weather like in PortAventura in June?

    PortAventura weather in June is very warm and sunny. Temperatures have really climbed from previous months and the resort begins to come to life again. You can expect very few rain showers, relaxing sea breezes and clear blue skies all month.

    Geographical influences

    This huge theme park is one of the most popular of its kind in Europe. It’s known as an entertainment resort and experiences a beautiful climate in June. It’s just a short drive from the heart of Salou and one hour away from Barcelona. In addition to the great rides and attractions in the theme park, the region is also home to a large variety of restaurants and lively bars.


    In June, you’ll have 15 hours of beautiful sunshine to enjoy each day. This gives you plenty of time to get on all of your favourite rides, relax on the beach and enjoy a few evening drinks at the local beach bar. The average temperature is 25°C during the day with an average sea temperature of 24°C. Humidity levels are at 70% with gentle wind speeds of up to 6mph. June is a very dry month with just 29mm of rainfall over five days of the month.

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