Costa Dorada

Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    76 mmper month
    68 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Costa Dorada

    Costa Dorada weather March

    Costa Dorada weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Costa Dorada in March?

    Costa Dorada weather in March is a lot warmer than previous months as temperatures are on the rise. You can expect plenty of warm sunshine each day with not much chance of rain.

    Geographical influences

    Costa Dorada has a beautiful climate thanks to its location in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s famous for its line-up of golden beaches, turquoise waters and pale blue skies that make it the perfect destination for a relaxing holiday abroad.


    March has an average temperature high of 18°C with lows of around 8°C at night. You can enjoy the warm sunshine on the beach during the day but you’ll need a jacket if you’re planning to explore the region at night. There are 12 hours of the sunshine per day, which means you can make the most out of your time away. There is 32mm of rainfall over five rainy days of the month. Humidity is around 73% with gentle sea breezes reaching up to 9mph.

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