
Avg weather in December
    13 Hrsper day
    19 mmper month
    50 %avg
    3 Mphavg

    Morocco weather December

    Morocco weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Morocco in December?

    Morocco’s location in North Africa means most of the country’s warm and sunny in December, making it ideal for winter sun. Morocco never gets too cold because of the Sahara Desert in the south, although there’s different weather around Morocco.

    Climatic regions

    Morocco’s coastal spots get quite typical Mediterranean weather, while the North Atlantic coast, where you'll find the popular resort of Agadir, has slightly cooler temperatures due to the Canary Current and Atlantic winds. Things are scorching in the south, but there’s also quirky weather conditions like mist and fog, which comes when the cool Atlantic air meets the hot desert. Marrakech is inland, where temperatures can also get really high


    The average high temperature in Agadir during December is 22ºC, so it’s still warm enough to chill out in your beach gear. You’ll need some warmer clothes for the evenings though as things get quite chilly, with temperatures usually dropping to 9ºC at night. At 19ºC, the sea’s not much cooler than in summer, while humidity’s low and ranges from around 40% to around 90%. Average rainfall’s 52mm over five days with rain.


    During December you can look forward to ten hours of daylight and seven hours of sunshine in Agadir, which is pretty good considering it’s winter. UV levels will be moderate so make sure you use sun cream, while sunset’s just after 5.30pm at the start of the month and gradually gets later.

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    • Agadir card image


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      23 °
    • Marrakech card image


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      21 °