
Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    49 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Dubai weather June

    Dubai weather June alt image

    What's the weather like in Dubai in June?

    Dubai’s location on the Persian Gulf means it has high temperatures all year round, and June’s one of the hottest months. It’s in the Arabian Desert close to the Tropic of Cancer, and most of Dubai’s sandy desert. It’s scorching hot in June, so drink lots of water, use plenty of sun cream and stay out of the midday sun.


    The average high in Dubai is 39ºC in June, and you won’t need any warm clothes in the evenings as the temperature only cools to 26ºC. The sea temperature’s also really warm at 31ºC, while humidity’s extremely high. There’s not usually any rain in June, so you can look forward to 14 hours of daylight with 11 long hours of sunshine each day. UV levels are also extremely high so make sure you take sun cream. The sun goes down just after 7pm.

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