Dona Paula

Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    82 mmper month
    66 %avg
    5 Mphavg
    Dona Paula

    Dona Paula weather November

    Dona Paula weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Dona Paula in November?

    November is one of the best times to visit Dona Paula because the wet season is over and you’ll get to enjoy plenty of daily sunshine with warm temperatures throughout the month.

    Geographical influences

    Dona Paula weather in November is influenced by its position in North Goa. The region has a tropical climate that gives wet summers and warm, dry winters. November is very sunny with clear blue skies all month. You can enjoy the tropical jungle landscapes and soak up the Indian culture with an exciting boat tour to historical parts of the region, including the Adil Shah Palace and the 19th-century Mae de Deus Church of Saligao.


    When you visit Dona Paula in November, you’ll enjoy temperatures reaching up to 25°C at peak times of the day. It cools down again at night, which is nice if you’re planning a night out or an evening with a few drinks by the pool. There’s no rain in November and humidity levels remain steady at 62% for most of the month. Winds usually don’t reach speeds higher than 6mph and you’ll also have at least 11 hours of beautiful sunshine to enjoy per day.

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