Dona Paula

Avg weather in July
    7 Hrsper day
    957 mmper month
    86 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Dona Paula

    Dona Paula weather July

    Dona Paula weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Dona Paula in July?

    It’s the peak of monsoon season in Dona Paula in July, which means it rains almost every day of the month and humidity levels are very high. If you want to experience Goa’s tropical climate in summer, then it’s the perfect time to visit. However, for a drier and warmer climate, visit sometime after September when the rain has subsided and the weather is more pleasant.

    Geographical influences

    Dona Paula weather in July is very wet and humid thanks to its tropical climate. The resort is nestled in North Goa and well-known for its white beaches and magnificent scenery. Boating trips are very popular in this part of India and you’ll get to explore the Arabian Sea like a true explorer. Dona Paula is a great spot for families, who can shop in the town centre and visit the Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary for glimpses of rare birds from around the world.


    There are 28 days of rain in July, with an average rainfall of 579mm. However, there’s still 13 hours of Indian sunshine to enjoy per day. This gives you lots of time to explore the resort and take fun day trips to nearby towns and historical villages. It’s very humid in the summer with an average humidity level of 84% in July. Winds can reach speeds of up to 10mph and the average daily temperature at this time of year is 20°C.

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