
Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    88 mmper month
    66 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Arpora weather November

    Arpora weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Arpora in November?

    If you want to skip monsoon season in Goa, November is the perfect time to visit. The rain has finally ceased, which means you can enjoy the heat of Arpora’s tropical climate without worrying about getting stuck outside in a torrential downpour.

    Geographical influences

    Arpora weather in November is influenced by its location on the golden coast of Goa. The region has a lovely tropical climate that is very wet in the summer but dry in autumn and winter. Humidity levels have decreased a lot, which makes outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking and sightseeing more enjoyable.


    When you visit this beach resort in November, you’ll get to enjoy 11 hours of beautiful sunshine per day. Humidity levels remain steady throughout the month at around 62% with 0mm of rainfall. Winds travel at 6-mph, helping to keep the humidity under control during peak times of the day. Temperatures are around 25°C for most of the month and the sea is still warm enough for swimming.

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