
Avg weather in June
    10 Hrsper day
    857 mmper month
    81 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Arpora weather June

    Arpora weather June alt image

    What’s the weather like in Arpora in June?

    June marks the beginning of monsoon season in Goa, which means Arpora weather in June is extremely wet and humid. If you’re not a fan of the rain, you’ll want to avoid this time of year. However, if you don’t mind the rain you’ll get to enjoy a more peaceful and quiet atmosphere in Arpora since most visitors prefer to visit in autumn and winter.

    Geographical influences

    Arpora is a beach resort in Goa, south-west India. The region has a traditional tropical climate with high temperatures all year round. Monsoons are a regular occurrence in June, which means humidity levels rise quickly and you can’t go out without packing an umbrella or raincoat in your bag.


    Temperatures are slightly lower than previous months with a daily average of 18°C in June. There are 13 hours of sunlight per day, giving you plenty of time to explore the resort and enjoy day trips to other regions in Goa. Humidity levels are at 80% with refreshing winds reaching speeds of up to 9mph near the coastline. The average rainfall is 891mm, which means it rains on at least 22 days of the month and you’ll get wet if you leave your hotel unprepared.

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