
Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    86 mmper month
    71 %avg
    11 Mphavg

    Kalamaki weather March

    Kalamaki weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kalamaki in March?

    Kalamaki weather in March starts to heat up as winter comes to an end and summer is just around the corner. Temperatures are warm without being too hot, which makes March a great time to visit if you want to do a lot of sightseeing and exploring.

    Geographical influences

    Kalamaki is a naturally beautiful beach resort nestled on Zakynthos’ southern coast. It’s very close to Zante Town, which is great for a day trip to shop and sightsee the local historical attractions. The resort is surrounded by peaceful countryside, which offers stunning hiking and walking trails with spectacular views of the island. The weather is typical of the Mediterranean climate, which provides long, warm summers and short, mild winters.


    When you visit Kalamaki in March, you can look forward to temperatures reaching up to 17°C during the day. The average monthly rainfall is around 50mm spread over eight days of the month. On windy days, the sea breeze can reach up to 11mph which helps to keep humidity levels from reaching above 72%. Each day has around 12 hours of sunshine, which is plenty of time to see more of Zakynthos during your stay.

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