
Avg weather in September
    10 Hrsper day
    55 mmper month
    71 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Berlin weather September

    Berlin weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Berlin in September?

    Even though the peak summer months of June, July and August have passed, if you explore the German capital this month you’ll still enjoy a very pleasant climate. The Berlin weather in September is quite warm and bright, and usually a little drier than August.

    Geographical influences

    Berlin’s found in the east of Germany, close to the border with Poland, where the weather is often slightly cooler than cities in the west and south like Cologne and Munich. Because of its high rise city landscape, Berlin can be a few degrees warmer than nearby rural areas and towns.


    Visit this pretty part of Germany this month and the weather will let you take in the historic sites, buildings and attractions. The average rainfall is just 45mm in Berlin in September, with around 12 days expected to get some showers. The late summer sunshine sees between six to seven hours each day and the sun doesn’t set until nearly 8pm at the beginning of the month. The weather in Berlin in September can see high temperatures reach over 20°C, with an average of 19°C. Low temperatures may dip to 10°C to 12°C and you’ll probably need a light jacket for when you explore Berlin at night.

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