Makadi Bay

Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    46 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Makadi Bay

    Makadi Bay weather September

    Makadi Bay weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Makadi Bay in September?

    The Makadi Bay weather in September is incredibly warm and dry, with visitors taking advantage of the Mediterranean-like climate during this quieter summer month. There’s no need for sweaters and umbrellas, just plenty of summer clothes and sunblock.

    Geographical influences

    Makadi Bay enjoys an idyllic location on the east coast of Egypt, just 30km south of the pretty resort of Hurghada. The calm waters of the Red Sea wash against the sandy shores and bring a welcome breeze, which helps to keep conditions comfortable.


    The weather in Makadi Bay in September boasts an average of 11 hours sunshine each day from 13 hours of daylight, which compares well against mainland European resorts. On hot days you’ll love chilling out in the pool or by the beach, especially as the sea temperature is likely to be around 27°C most of the time. The average daytime high temperature in El Gouna during September is 32°C, dropping to 25°C on cooler days. The temperature will only fall to around 23°C at night though, so you’ll want to make sure your hotel room has air conditioning. It’s extremely unlikely that you’ll see any rain. The wind speed’s low at 9mph, on average, and the humidity could be around 43%. It’s a good idea to carry water when you walk around Makadi Bay and its amazing beaches.

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