
Avg weather in August
    12 Hrsper day
    136 mmper month
    63 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Asia weather August

    Asia weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Asia in August?

    If you’re heading to Asia for a relaxing luxury holiday this month, then you can expect warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. The Asia weather in August has an average temperature of 17°C across the continent, with hotspots such as Goa, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok much hotter. There will be some tropical rains in August, though.

    Geographical influences

    Popular resorts in the south of Asia, such as Goa, Tokyo and Hong Kong, will generally be hotter than places in the north. August is one of the wetter months in Thailand and the west coast Indian resort of Goa. Here you’ll get some short and sharp downpours most days, but often this can feel very refreshing and the water soon dries because of the high temperatures.


    Bring your sunglasses, sunhat and sunblock because the weather in Asia in August should be very nice for exploring its amazing cities and beaches. The average daytime temperature in Bangkok, Thailand, will be 30°C. In Goa it’ll be 28°C and Beijing should see highs of 30°C. In areas like Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, night time temperatures may only fall by six or seven degrees so make sure your hotel has air conditioning. The average rainfall across Asia in August is 97mm, but Kuala Lumpur will have around 150mm and Goa sees nearly 500mm in this wet month. Sunshine levels are very impressive at this time and you can expect around 13 hours each day on average. The water temperature in southern coastal resorts will be about 27°C, which is perfect for a refreshing dip, and the average humidity level is 51% throughout Asia.

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