
Avg weather in April
    12 Hrsper day
    50 mmper month
    53 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Asia weather April

    Asia weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Asia in April?

    The Asia weather in April can be quite mild and pleasant as most of the continent heads towards summer temperatures. Holiday hotspots such as Goa, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Bangkok will already be very warm and with lots of sunshine.

    Geographical influences

    Countries in the south of Asia, such as India, Thailand and Malaysia will be warmer than northern countries like Russia, China and Kazakhstan in April. Rainfall will also be higher in the tropical regions, with Kuala Lumpur very wet this month.


    The weather in Asia in April varies a lot depending on where you’re staying. The average daytime temperature in Hong Kong, for example, is 25°C. In Goa and Bangkok it will be around 32°C. The average temperature for the continent of Asia as a whole is 9°C. The sunshine hours are generally greater in the south of Asia. The popular west coast Indian resort of Goa will have about ten hours each day, with Kuala Lumpur having about nine. In Tokyo in April the sun rises at 5.30am and sets at 6pm at the beginning of April. If you’re heading to idyllic countries like Thailand and Malaysia at this time then you’ll get some tropical rain showers. Kuala Lumpur gets around 250mm on average and Bangkok’s rainfall measures about 70mm. The average humidity level for Asia in April is 54%. The UV index will be high in warmer cities in the south so take care when you’re sunbathing by the coast or around your hotel pool.

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