
Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    102 mmper month
    72 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Cesme weather November

    Cesme weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cesme in November?

    Cesme weather in November is very mild and wet with a high chance of rainfall. However, showers are usually short lived and they won’t get in the way of your holiday.

    Geographical influences

    Cesme is a vibrant resort town on the Aegean Coast. It’s known for its stunning beaches, rich culture and surfing. The town has been around since the Bronze Age and you can see ancient coins and artefacts displayed in the Cesme Archaeology Museum. The climate is slightly cooler in the autumn, which makes it ideal if you’re not a fan of intense heat. It’s also a great season with fewer crowds and a more laid-back atmosphere to the resort.


    You’ll enjoy an average temperature high of 19°C during the day, which is mild and great for sightseeing and sunbathing on the beach. There are ten hours of sunlight each day, which gives you plenty of time to get around the resort and take exciting day trips to regions further away. 72% is the average humidity, along with winds of up to 16mph. It rains on nine days of the month and the average rainfall over this time is 127mm.

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