Olu Deniz

Avg weather in January
    11 Hrsper day
    153 mmper month
    66 %avg
    7 Mphavg
    Olu Deniz

    Olu Deniz weather January

    Olu Deniz weather January alt image

    What’s the weather like in Olu Deniz in January?

    Olu Deniz weather in January is quite mild and sunny with the odd rain shower scattered throughout the month. But don’t let the rain get you down because showers tend to be very short and light, which means it’s never long before the Mediterranean sun is shining once again.

    Geographical influences

    The resort village of Olu Deniz is famous for its turquoise lagoon and picturesque scenery. The Babadag mountain overlooks the village and provides shelter from the elements, which is really useful in the winter months when rainfall has increased. The resort has a great selection of bars, clubs and restaurants and is close to a beautiful nature reserve called Butterfly Valley.


    January has an average daily temperature of around 15°C, which is considered to be very mild for the middle of winter. Humidity levels are at 66% for most of the month with winds of up to 7 mph on windy days. In terms of rainfall, you’ll probably see a few showers during your stay since the average rainfall is around 135mm. Each day, you’ll have at least nine hours of sunlight, which is more than enough time to trek through the Lycian Way trail along the Turquoise Coast of Turkey.

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