Port El Kantaoui

Avg weather in October
    13 Hrsper day
    63 mmper month
    62 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Port El Kantaoui

    Port El Kantaoui weather October

    Port El Kantaoui weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Port El Kantaoui in October?

    With a wonderful average high temperature of 26°C, take a trip to the idyllic resort of Port El Kantaoui in this month and relax in warm temperatures and peaceful surroundings. The summer crowds have disappeared, and you can enjoy the impressive Port El Kantaoui weather in October with your partner or family.

    Geographical influences

    Thanks to the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea, which will be around 24°C in October, the conditions inland and around Port El Kantaoui remain very pleasant in early autumn. There’s very little wind chill because of the low wind speed of 10mph and much less chance of brief downpours than in September.


    The weather in Port El Kantaouri in October will give you very warm temperatures for this early autumn month. The average daytime high’s 26°C, but this can fall to an average low of 17°C on some cloudier days. In the sunshine, it’ll feel very pleasant and you can expect an average of eight hours of sun a day in October from nearly 12 hours of daylight. Watch out for some light showers at this time in Port El Kantaoui, with 62mm falling during the month, across seven rain-affected days. The UV and heat levels are low to medium, and it’s very pleasant exploring the town’s harbour and the nearby historic city of Sousse in the autumn sunshine. The wind speed’s only 10mph and you’ll only begin to feel a slight chill in the late evening, when temperatures can fall to 16°C.  

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