Cap Salou

Avg weather in October
    12 Hrsper day
    102 mmper month
    69 %avg
    7 Mphavg
    Cap Salou

    Cap Salou weather October

    Cap Salou weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cap Salou in October?

    The weather in Cap Salou in October is perfect for a quiet and peaceful getaway in paradise. The sun is always shining and most of the summer crowds have dispersed, which means the beaches are a lot quieter and more spacious.

    Geographical influences

    September is one of the best times of the year to visit Cap Salou. The sun is shining and temperatures are high without being too much. Lie back and relax on the beach or head into Barcelona for the day, which is just under an hour’s journey from Cap Salou.


    October is a lovely time to visit Cap Salou because temperatures are mild and the sun shines brightly throughout the day. You’ll have at least 11 hours of daylight to enjoy, which gives you lots of time to sightsee and explore the region to the fullest. The average rainfall is 85mm spread over ten days of the month. Cap Salou weather in October is mostly warm with an average temperature of 22°C and humidity levels remaining steady at around 72%.

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      Oct Avg
      21 °