Cap Salou

Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    55 mmper month
    67 %avg
    6 Mphavg
    Cap Salou

    Cap Salou weather August

    Cap Salou weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cap Salou in August?

    Cap Salou weather in August is beautiful with very high temperatures and continuous Mediterranean sunshine. The area is quite busy in August since it’s the peak of high season, which means there’s a lively atmosphere in the resort and the nightlife is fantastic.

    Geographical influences

    This beautiful resort town is located in Costa Dorada in Spain. It’s known for its golden coast, secluded coves along the shore and beautiful golf courses. The weather is pleasant in August and you can enjoy the Mediterranean sunshine on the beach or as you explore the busy Ponent and Llevant strips in the town centre.


    The average temperature in August is a high 29°C that lowers to around 20°C at night. Each day has 13 hours of lovely sunshine per day with an average humidity of 72%. If you need a break from the heat, you’ll enjoy the sea breezes that travel along with speeds of up to 6mph. On calm days, go for a swim in the sea with cooler temperatures of around 25°C. Rain is light to moderate in August and the area has 65mm of rainfall spread across eight rainy days of the month.

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      Aug Avg
      28 °