Weather in Cap Salou

 Weather in Cap Salou
Time to get ready for your holiday to Salou? Our Cap Salou weather forecast is the first place to look if you want to get your packing right. That way, you know you’ll have everything you need with you, come rain or shine. If your holiday’s fast approaching, it’s wise to keep a close eye on the conditions. Our Cap Salou weather forecast will show you what’s coming up over the next two weeks, so you can start preparing nice and early. Just make sure you keep checking back for up-to-the-minute information. Fancy booking a trip but not sure when to go? Our monthly round-ups will give you a view of the Cap Salou weather forecast. They’ll give you a good idea of what expect weather-wise throughout the year, which means you can pick a time that works for you.
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Friday, 26th JulySunny
High 28Low 23
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 7 Mph
  • Humidity: 61 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Saturday, 27th JulySunny
High 28Low 23
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 6 Mph
  • Humidity: 60 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Sunday, 28th JulySunny
High 28Low 24
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 11 Mph
  • Humidity: 65 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Monday, 29th JulySunny
High 31Low 24
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 9 Mph
  • Humidity: 51 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Tuesday, 30th JulySunny
High 31Low 25
  • Sun: 9 Hours daily
  • Wind: 9 Mph
  • Humidity: 47 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Wednesday, 31st JulySunny
High 30Low 25
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 6 Mph
  • Humidity: 55 %
  • Rain: 0 mm
Thursday, 1st AugustSunny
High 30Low 25
  • Sun: 14 Hours daily
  • Wind: 6 Mph
  • Humidity: 61 %
  • Rain: 0 mm

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