
Avg weather in November
    11 Hrsper day
    146 mmper month
    70 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Malaga weather November

    Malaga weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Malaga in November?

    The mild autumn climate in southern Spain produces fantastic high temperatures of 20°C this month. The Malaga weather in November has a good deal of sunshine, but it’s the wettest time of the year and you’ll need a light jacket.

    Geographical influences

    Malaga’s a popular tourist city in the Costa del Sol, on the Andalucia coast to the north of Fuengirola. It’s one of the sunniest and warmest spots in mainland Europe. The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea’s around 18°C in November and this helps to keep conditions inland very mild.


    You’ll need to bring a light jacket in November, and an umbrella will help you shelter if you’re caught in a shower. The average rainfall’s 100mm in Malaga in November but with an average high temperature of 20°C, the clouds are often broken up and the weather feels quite warm. Even the cooler days should see temperatures stay above 12°C. The sea’s inviting, at an average of 18°C, and it’s your last chance for a dip in the Mediterranean before the winter chills it. You’ll find the sunshine average is six hours a day, so remember to pack your sunglasses too as the weather in Malaga in November is much more pleasant than the UK.

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