
Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    61 mmper month
    73 %avg
    14 Mphavg

    Mahon weather March

    Mahon weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Mahon in March?

    Mahon weather in March is quite dry and mild with not much rain and plenty of beautiful sunshine to enjoy each day during your stay.

    Geographical influences

    Mahon is the popular capital city of Menorca. It lies on the east coast of the island which means it benefits from the same Mediterranean climate. This means you can enjoy the laid-back ambience of the city and soak in the lovely Mediterranean sunshine at the same time.


    The average temperature in Mahon in March is a pleasant 16°C. It may not be hot summer weather, but it’s nice and mild without being too much to handle. When evening comes around, temperatures tend to drop to around 9°C. The sun stays out for 12 hours per day, giving you lots of time to get everything done during the day. Stroll through winding streets, shop for gifts in the local boutiques and enjoy a delicious three-course meal in one of the traditional Spanish restaurants that line the city streets. Whatever you choose to do, you can do it without worrying about getting soaked in a heavy downpour. The city experiences just 35mm of rainfall throughout the month and the rain tends to spread across nine days of the month.

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