
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    17 mmper month
    70 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Mahon weather August

    Mahon weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Mahon in August?

    The Mahon weather in August sees the summer in full swing, with the hottest temperatures, clear Mediterranean sunshine and hardly any rain. August’s the busiest time to visit this charming spot on the Spanish island of Menorca, but you’ll enjoy lounging by your hotel’s pool or relaxing on the beach. The climate really is wonderful.

    Geographical influences

    Mahon enjoys the famous winds that can gently sweep Menorca in the summer and make the temperature and heat more comfortable. Mahon is on the far east of the island. It can be affected by up to eight local winds that blow from different directions and are caused by weather conditions in southern Europe.


    Weather in Mahon in August sees average temperatures climb to a balmy 30°C and the month can even see days a few degrees warmer. The average low is only 20°C and nights see a more relaxing 18°C to 20°C. Mahon’s sunshine in August averages 13 hours a day and the sun doesn’t disappear until nearly 9pm at the beginning of the month. UV levels are high at this time, so bring lots of sunblock as well as your warm weather clothing. You could take a dip in the Mediterranean to cool off, especially as the sea temperature averages 25°C throughout August. Most of the month won’t see any rainfall at all, with a low average of 23mm falling in Mahon

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