Cala'n Bosch

Avg weather in January
    11 Hrsper day
    36 mmper month
    70 %avg
    13 Mphavg
    Cala'n Bosch

    Cala'n Bosch weather January

    Cala'n Bosch weather January alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cala’n Bosch in January?

    Cala’n Bosch weather in January is a lot milder than you might think. Temperatures tend to climb towards the end of the month and rain showers are short and light. It’s one of the quietest times at the resort, which also makes a great time to visit if you’re not a fan of the crowds.

    Geographical influences

    Cala’n Bosch is located on the south-west coast of Menorca. It’s surrounded by lush green scenery and is home to some of the best beaches in the Mediterranean. The weather is usually very pleasant with mild temperatures and barely any rain.


    The average temperature in January is 16°C with lows of 8°C at night. Despite the drop in temperature, you’ll still get to experience the beauty and charm of the Mediterranean sunshine. You’ll have nine hours of it per day, giving you lots of time to hit the waterpark, relax on the beach or shop for souvenirs at the local gift stores. However you choose to spend your time, you can probably do it without carrying an umbrella everywhere you go. The resort has just 34mm of rainfall in January with 15mph winds and 72% humidity.    

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