San Antonio Bay

Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    19 mmper month
    73 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    San Antonio Bay

    San Antonio Bay weather June

    San Antonio Bay weather June alt image

    What’s the weather like in San Antonio Bay in June?

    San Antonio Bay weather in June is a lot warmer than previous months without being too hot or uncomfortable. It’s one of the best times to travel to the region because the Mediterranean sunshine is very warm and there’s not much chance of rain.

    Geographical influences

    San Antonio Bay is located on the western coast of Ibiza, which means it has the same beautiful climate as the other Balearic Islands. There’s sunshine all year round with mild winters and long, hot summers. If you want to avoid the highest temperatures, visiting in June is a great option. The weather is still great but you won’t feel tired or uncomfortable in the heat, which is perfect for hiking and swimming in the sea.


    You’ll need to pack light clothing since it’s usually very warm and sunny in June with barely any rain. Temperatures reach highs of 27°C at peak times of the day, which is perfect for soaking up the Mediterranean sunshine on the beach. Humidity levels are on the increase, rising to 74% with 9mph winds near the coast. Each day has 14 hours of sunshine with just 23mm of rainfall.

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