Abu Dhabi

Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    49 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Abu Dhabi

    Abu Dhabi weather September

    Abu Dhabi weather September alt image

    What's the weather like in Abu Dhabi in September?

    The city of Abu Dhabi is in the United Arab Emirates along the shores of the Persian Gulf. With a dry desert climate, Abu Dhabi is warm all year round, with intense heat in the summer months and more bearable temperatures during late spring and early Autumn. September is still very hot in the city, so you’ll need to seek shade between 11am and 3pm if you visit at this time of year.


    In September, the average temperature in Abu Dhabi is a sweltering 33°C, reaching highs of 40°C in the hottest part of the day. With such intense heat, it’s not advisable to bring young children on holiday here at this time of year. After dark, temperatures drop only slightly to an average low of 26°C, so you’ll be grateful for air conditioning in your hotel at night. Just 10mm of rain’s expected this month, while the sea temperature measures a bath-like 33°C.

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