
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    106 mmper month
    67 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Tsilivi weather September

    Tsilivi weather September alt image

    What's the weather like in Tsilivi in September?

    Tsilivi is a popular beach resort on the northern shores of Zante, just off Greece’s west coast. It has a Mediterranean climate bringing long, hot summers and mild winters to the region. In September, temperatures are starting to cool down a bit compared with the high season months, meaning there are fewer crowds too. You can expect lots of long, sunny and dry days if you visit Tsilivi in September, perfect for relaxing on the beach and trying out new watersports such as parasailing, jet-skiing and waterskiing.


    The average temperature in Tsilivi is 24ºC in September, reaching a high of 28ºC in the peak of the afternoon. Don’t forget to apply plenty of sun cream if you visit at this time of year, as the sun’s very strong and shines for ten hours each day. After dark it stays fairly warm, with an average low of 19ºC being ideal for enjoying your evening meal and a few drinks on an outdoor terrace. Just 25mm of rain’s forecast over four days this month, while the Ionian Sea’s lovely for swimming at a warm 25ºC.

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