
Avg weather in February
    10 Hrsper day
    120 mmper month
    69 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Tsilivi weather February

    Tsilivi weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Tsilivi in February?

    When you visit Tsilivi in February, you’re met with warm sunshine and crystal clear waters as far as the eye can see. Tsilivi weather in February isn’t as warm as the spring or summer, but it’s perfect if you want to do a lot of outdoor activities without the heat to slow you down.

    Geographical influences

    Tsilivi is located in Zakynthos on the Ionian Sea. It’s known for its beautiful turquoise coast and award-winning beaches. Loggerhead turtles can be found resting on Turtle Island, which you can visit with a boat ride before heading to the famous Smuggler’s Cove. Here, you’ll find an old shipwreck from the 1980’s, which is worth a visit if you’re a fan of history, pirates and buried treasures.


    February is one of the mildest months in winter with an average temperature of 14°C. You’ll need a jacket at night when temperatures cool to 8°C. You’ll have ten hours of sunlight per day with an average humidity of 69%. On windy days, the sea carries breezes of up to 12mph to the island, which can make it feel much colder. The average rainfall over the month is 69mm, which is less than previous months but you’ll still need to pack a raincoat to avoid any surprises.

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