
Avg weather in November
    11 Hrsper day
    243 mmper month
    68 %avg
    10 Mphavg

    Sami weather November

    Sami weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Sami in November?

    Autumn is a much cooler time to visit Sami and ideal if you’re looking for a milder climate with less heat and humidity. Sami weather in November is much cooler than last month and the amount of rainfall has increased significantly, so pack an umbrella for your visit.

    Geographical influences

    Sami is a charming little town on the east coast of the island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. The island has a warm Mediterranean climate with cooler temperatures arriving in autumn and winter. November’s main concern is rainfall, which ranges from light to moderate showers with the possibility of a heavy thunderstorm. Check the forecast to avoid getting stuck outside in the rain and remember to pack for the wet weather.


    The weather in Sami in November is fairly mild with an average temperature of 19°C and up to ten hours of glorious sunshine per day. A waterproof jacket will be your new best friend on holiday as there’s an estimated monthly rainfall of 167mm. Winds travel at 10mph, bringing the average temperature down to just 9°C in the evening. Humidity levels remain steady throughout the month with an average level of 67%.

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