
Avg weather in April
    12 Hrsper day
    102 mmper month
    71 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Kassiopi weather April

    Kassiopi weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kassiopi in April?

    The Kassiopi weather in April is wonderful compared to the mild climate in the UK and northern Europe. Temperatures can reach 19°C and there’s several hours of sunshine each day around the beautiful Greek island of Corfu. There’ll be some showers but any rainfall should be light.

    Geographical influences

    Take a trip to Kassiopi, in the Ionian Sea just off the Greek mainland, and you’ll find the conditions are one or two degrees cooler in April than islands further south. That’s because Corfu’s the most north-westerly part of the country and has a slightly different climate to the rest of Greece.


    The weather in Kassiopi in April has a daytime average temperature of 19°C, which compares very well with other mainland European towns at this time. Don’t be surprised if the barometer reaches 21 or 22°C on some days and it shouldn’t fall below 15°C very often during the day. The night time temperature’s a pleasant 13°C on average. Bring your sunglasses for your trip to Kassiopi in April, because you’ll have around nine hours of bright Mediterranean sunshine. Rainfall’s usually a little higher than in summer, but it’s still only 42mm on average for the month. The heat and humidity levels are moderate but take care if you’re sunbathing because UV levels can rise at this time. The wind speed’s a calm 9mph.

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