Disneyland Paris

Avg weather in January
    8 Hrsper day
    72 mmper month
    86 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Disneyland Paris

    Disneyland Paris weather January

    Disneyland Paris weather January alt image

    What’s the weather like in Disneyland Paris in January?

    Just as you’d expect of northern Europe in winter, the Disneyland Paris weather in January is mild or cold with some rainfall. There’s still some winter sunshine and your New Year break to Disneyland will feel fresh and occasionally chilly.

    Geographical influences

    The weather in Disneyland Paris in January produces a mild climate. The resort is found 30km to the east of Paris city centre and is slightly warmer and drier than conditions in most of the UK at this time. There’s only a small chance of snow and ice in January.


    Disneyland Paris has an average daytime high of 8°C in January, which is enjoyable for the time of year. On colder days this may drop to around 0°C and that’s the lowest temperature you can expect most nights too. There’s still some bright sunshine in January. You can expect an average of four hours each day and the sun doesn’t disappear until 5.45pm at the end of the month. Rainfall is quite consistent throughout the year, with 20mm falling over an average of 15 rain-affected days. These showers can be quite light, though. The heat and humidity levels are low around Paris in January and the humidity should be about 87%.

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