
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    52 mmper month
    35 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Utah weather September

    Utah weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Utah in September?

    Explore the diverse terrain of Utah’s landscape with guided tours and hiking trails that stretch for miles along the region’s national parks and emerald valleys. Utah weather in September is usually very sunny with low humidity levels and not much rain.

    Geographical influences

    Located in the west of the United States, Utah enjoys a warm climate in September with high temperatures and plenty of warm sunshine throughout the month. Enjoy a relaxing swim in your hotel’s swimming pool or head to Salt Lake City and soak up the rich culture and history of the city. If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, immerse yourself in the heart of it with a day trip to Antelope Island State Park.


    Utah enjoys an average daily temperature of 25°C in September with humidity levels of 39%. There’s 12 hours of sunshine per day and an average monthly rainfall of just 17mm. On windy days, breezes can reach speeds of up to 6mph and bring cooling breaks from the intense heat of midday.

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