Lake Buena Vista

Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    53 mmper month
    69 %avg
    6 Mphavg
    Lake Buena Vista

    Lake Buena Vista weather March

    Lake Buena Vista weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Lake Buena Vista in March?

    When you visit Lake Buena Vista, it’s safe to assume you’ve come for the Walt Disney World’s theme parks. Begin your day with a safari tour in the Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park® before heading to the Magic Kingdom for the amazing Illuminations firework show that’s on every night of the week.

    Geographical influences

    Lake Buena Vista weather in March is influenced by its location in Orlando, Florida. The climate is very warm all year round, which makes it a great holiday destination no matter when you visit. You can catch a bus or taxi to Universal Studios Florida™, which is a short drive from the city and offers more thrilling rides, live shows and a range of attractions for all ages.


    The sun stays out for 12 hours per day, giving you lots of time to enjoy your favourite theme parks and shop in Disney Springs. The water temperatures are very mild and ideal for swimming, which is great if you want to cool down during the day. The average temperature is 27°C with humidity levels of 70%. Wind speeds reach up to 8mph with an average rainfall of 83mm.

    Best hotels in Lake Buena Vista

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