
Avg weather in December
    12 Hrsper day
    148 mmper month
    67 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Turkbuku weather December

    Turkbuku weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Turkbuku in December?

    Turkbuku weather in December is mild and sunny. The resort has a laid-back vibe at this time of year with fewer crowds than the high season months. This means you can enjoy the peace and quiet when you visit Turkbuku for a holiday in December.

    Geographical influences

    Famous for its party scene and legendary nightlife, Turkbuku is very popular with Turkish celebrities who can often be spotted walking along the boardwalk. The resort is sheltered by high hills, which provide protection against harsh winds and heavy rain. Its location in the south-west of Turkey means the resort experiences the same Mediterranean weather as the rest of the region with mild winters and long, hot summers.


    Temperatures are mild in December with a daily average of 16°C. There’s an increase in rainfall at this time of year with 147mm falling over the entire month. But don’t let this put you off because you’ll still enjoy at least nine hours of beautiful sunshine each day. Winds can reach up to 13mph during winter with an average humidity of 64%.

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