
Avg weather in December
    12 Hrsper day
    32 mmper month
    68 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Calella weather December

    Calella weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Calella in December?

    Calella weather in December is much milder than you might expect. You’ll still get to enjoy the classic festivities of the holiday season, but you can do it while being surrounded by lush palm trees, golden sandy beaches and turquoise waters.

    Geographical influences

    Calella is located in the beautiful Catalonia region in Spain. It has the classic climate expected from the Mediterranean, which provides the area with warm summers and very mild winters. December is cooler than previous months but the sun still shines all day, providing more than enough time to take that day trip to Barcelona.


    The average temperature in December is a mild 14°C. At night, you’ll need a jacket as temperatures can drop to a chilly 2°C. There’s 46mm of rainfall over the month that spreads over ten days. This means it’s more likely you’ll see a rain shower or two during your stay, but it shouldn’t get in the way of you having a great time during your stay. You’ll have nine hours of sunshine without a rain cloud in sight, along with an average humidity of 70%.

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