
Avg weather in September
    11 Hrsper day
    423 mmper month
    83 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Candolim weather September

    Candolim weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Candolim in September?

    You can expect Candolim weather in September to be very warm and sunny throughout the month. However, there’s still some rain left over from monsoon season, which means the chance of rainfall is very likely. If you’re planning to visit in September, make sure to pack for a rainy day and wear light clothing to help deal with the humidity.

    Geographical influences

    Candolim is a peaceful town in North Goa. Its location in India means the town has a tropical climate with wet, humid summers and mild winters. It’s great for shopping, sunbathing and exploring, making it the ideal destination for families and couples searching for a relaxing time away. Lounge on the Candolim Beach and dip your toes in the mild waters of the Arabian Sea. If the weather is good, you can snorkel with the fish or test your balance on the waves with some windsurfing in the early afternoon.


    It’s very wet and humid at this time of year and although monsoon season is almost over, there’s still lots of rain scattered throughout the month. The average rainfall is 138mm spread over 16 days of the month, which means it’s likely you’ll see a few showers during your stay. During the day, you can expect warm temperatures up to 21°C with humidity levels of 82%.

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