Weather in Corralejo

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       Weather in Corralejo


      With its location on the northeast coast of Fuerteventura, you can expect a very warm climate with cooling sea breezes throughout the year. If you like things hot and sunny, the best time to go to Corralejo is July and August, which is the warmest months of the year. It’s also the sunniest, with at least 11 hours of sunlight per day. Temperatures are around 25°C during the day, but can reach highs of 26°C. UV levels are quite high, so remember to wear sun cream when you’re out enjoying the sunny weather. Corralejo enjoys a subtropical climate, which means you can expect lots of warm sunshine and not much chance of rain. The average rainfall is rarely more than 16mm per month. The best time to visit Corralejo for the driest climate is between May and September with just 2mm to 10mm of rainfall per month. The average sea temperature in the peak of summer is 22°C. The Atlantic remains very warm throughout the year, with an average temperature of 19°C towards the end of winter.

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